Institut für Mangostan & natürliche Antioxidantien


Warum gerade Mangostan?

Ein schwaches Immunsystem ist einer der bekannten Auslöser von Allergien.

Alternative Therapieformen gegen Allergien: Naturheilkundler therapieren Allergien und Störungen des Immunsystems häufig über die Darmsanierung und den Aufbau der Darmflora.
Die Inhaltsstoffe insbesondere der aus Süd-Ost-Asien stammenden Mangostanfrucht unterstützt zu entsäuern, fördert die Ausleitung bzw. Ausscheidung und Blutreinigung. Verschiedene Substanzen binden Giftstoffe. Die Darmgesundheit profitiert in hohem Maße von den bioaktiven Substanzen des Mangostan-Saftes. Auch über diesen Weg wird die Abwehrkraft eines Allergikers und damit dessen Immunantwort beträchtlich gesteigert.

Welt der WunderNatürliche Antioxidantien (sogenannte Radikalfänger) - wie in den folgenden Produkten reichhaltig enthalten: Granatapfel, OPC-Traubenkerne, Lycopin, Mangostanfrucht, Acerola-Kirsche, Nopal-Feigenkaktus etc. - können besonders das Immunsystem nachhaltig stärken. Die Heilkräfte dieser Produkte stärken den gesamten Organismus, insbesondere die Abwehrkraft des Körpers und machen ihn stark gegen Allergien.

Mangostan (oder auch Mangostin bzw. Mangosteen genannt) bietet erstaunlich hervorragende Nährwert- und Radikalfängereigenschaften.

Die moderne Wissenschaft hat erst vor kurzem die unglaublichen, nährstoffreichen Vorteile der Mangostan und ihre weitreichenden gesundheitsfördernden Merkmale erkannt. Neben diversen Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen enthält Mangostan insbesondere Xanthone (aktive Anti-aging-Phenole), Polysaccharide, Cathechine, Polysaccharide, Enzyme, Quinone, Stilbene, leistungsfähige Antioxidantien, Phytonutrients sowie ernährungsphysiologisch wertvolle sekundäre Pflanzenstoffe. Diese Kombination von pflanzlichen Verbindungen ist einzigartig.

Mangostan FruchtDiese Nährstoffe aktivieren die Drüsen und Organe des Körpers. Sie fördern die Verdauung, stärken das Immunsystem, schützen vor Freien Radikalen und fördern gesunde Stoffwechselprozesse. Der Alterungsprozess wird verlangsamt, die körperliche und geistige Leistungsfähigkeit steigt. Das Risiko, an altersabhängigen Krankheiten zu erkranken, sinkt. Mangostan und dessen Wirkung wurde in zahlreichen Studien (Quelle: - National Library of Medicine & National Institutes of Health, USA) wissenschaftlich untersucht und analysiert.

Zusammenfassend kann man den aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Stand wie folgt festhalten:

Mangosteen wirkt nachweislich

  • unterstützend bei körperlicher und geistiger Ermüdung
  • Entzündungshemmend, hilft dem Körper Entzündungen einzudämmen
  • Anti-Pyretic, hilft das Fieber zu senken
  • Schmerzlindernd
  • Antidepressivum, hilft zur Verminderung von Angstzuständen
  • Anti-Ulcer, unterstützt bei Geschwüren im Magen, Mund und Darm
  • Immunomodulator, unterstützt das Immunsystem
  • Renal-Protective, vorbeugend bei Nieren Erkrankungen
  • Anti-Aging, verlangsamt die Alterung der Haut und der Zellen
  • Anti-Oxidant, enthält Xanthone, bekannt als Super Anti Oxydanzien
  • Anti-Seborrheic, hilft bei starker Schuppenbildung verursacht durch Talgdrüsen Überproduktion. Unterstützt bei Seborroe bedingtem Haarausfall
  • Anti-Lipidemic, Verbesserung der Blutfette (Cholesterin)
  • Anti-Anemic, fördert die Bildung von roten Blutkörperchen
  • Anti-Arthritic, hilft bei Ablagerungen in den Gelenken (Arthritis)
  • Vorbeugend von Osteoporose (Knochenschwund)
  • Anti-Psoriatic, hilft bei Psoriasis
  • Verminderung von Migräne
  • Anti-Parkinson, vorbeugend bei Parkinson
  • Anti-Fungal, hilft bei Pilzerkrankungen, Haut und Fußpilz
  • Anti-Viral, reduziert Stärke und Häufigkeit von Virusinfektionen

(Weitere anerkannte Studien und Fachliteratur unter:

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In Europa auf dem Vormarsch: Die Mangostanfrucht

Ein sagenhaftes Kraftpaket für Gesundheit, Schönheit und gegen das Altern

Auch wenn der Name ähnlich klingt, sie hat nichts mit der Mango zu tun. Und sie sieht auch ganz anders aus. Den vielzähligen Sagen, Mythen und Überlieferungen ihrer Heilkräfte nach zu urteilen, muss es sich bei der Mangostan um etwas ganz Besonderes handeln! Diese bemerkenswerte südostasiatische Frucht von der Größe einer Kiwi hat bereits Königin Victoria von England in Entzücken versetzt! Es heißt, dass sie demjenigen die Ritterwürde versprach, der ihr einige der edlen violett farbenen Mangostanfrüchte zu bringen vermochte. Die Lieblingsfrucht der Königin erhielt so den Zweitnamen „Königin der Früchte“. Möglich, dass es der wunderbare Geschmack war, der die Herrscherin so begeisterte, vielleicht hat sie aber auch die außerordentliche Gesundheitskraft der Mangostan überzeugt!

Tropische Ursprünge

Ursprünglich in Asien beheimatet, ist die Mangostan in den letzten 150 Jahren auch nach Afrika, in die Karibik, nach Australien und nach Südamerika verbreitet worden. Die Frucht gedeiht an einem immergrünen imposanten Laubbaum, der nur sehr langsam wächst und weit über 100 Jahre alt werden kann. Großflächigen Anbau findet man grundsätzlich nur südlich des 20. Breitenrades nördlicher Breite. Der Baum ist extrem klimaempfindlich und toleriert keine Temperaturen unter 4°C und über 38°C. Nach etwa 20 Jahren sind erste größere Ernten möglich. Ein Mangostanbaum kann viele hundert Früchte tragen. Sehr alte Bäume können es bis zu hundert Jahre lang auf jährlich über 5.000 Früchte bringen!

Gesundheitlich wertvoll

In der traditionellen Volksheilkunde Thailands, Malaysias, der Philippinen, Vietnams, Indiens und Chinas werden die Heilwirkungen der Mangostanfrucht seit Generationen für die Gesundheit genutzt.  So wird die Mangostan zur antibiotischen und antiparasitischen Behandlung bei Wunden, Tuberkulose, Malaria und anderen Infektionen eingesetzt. Ebenso ist in Asien seit langem bekannt, dass die Mangostan hoch wirksame entzündungs- und schmerzhemmende Eigenschaften besitzt und bei Hautausschlägen, Ekzemen und verschiedenen Hautkrankheiten verwendet wird. Überliefert ist die traditionelle Verwendung der Mangostan bei Mundfäule (Entzündung der Mundschleimhaut), bei Katarrhen (Entzündungen von Nase, Hals und Rachen), Blasenentzündungen, Darmproblemen und Durchfall.
Im karibischen Raum wird ein Tee aus Mangostan als Stärkungsmittel gegen Ermüdung und Unwohlsein genutzt. Brasilianer benutzen einen ähnlichen Tee als Verdauungshilfe. Auf den Philippinen wird ein Fruchtextrakt eingesetzt, um Fieber zu senken. Ebenso werden dort aufgeschnittene Mangostanfrüchte traditionell gegen Bauchschmerzen verwendet, indem man sie auf der schmerzenden Stelle verreibt.

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Eine Frucht, die sich wehren kann

Bemerkenswert ist, dass der Baum und seine Früchte lebenslang ohne jegliche Schädlingsbekämpfungsmittel auskommen. Dies zeigt eindrucksvoll, dass die Pflanze über außerordentlich wirksame Abwehrmechanismen und starke bioaktive Substanzen verfügen muss, mit denen sie sich zuverlässig und erfolgreich vor Krankheitserregern und Fraßfeinden schützen kann. Ist es deshalb verwunderlich, wenn immer mehr gesundheitlich positive Auswirkungen nach dem Verzehr von Mangostanfrüchten auch für uns Menschen festgestellt werden?

Kampf gegen freie Radikale

Die Frucht liefert ein unglaubliches Feuerwerk an Nährstoffen. Highlight unter den wertvollen Pflanzenwirkstoffen sind Xanthone, eine bedeutsame gesundheitsunterstützende Wirkstoffgruppe, die zu den Flavonioden zählt. Die Mangostanfrucht ist die reichste natürliche Xanthone-Quelle weltweit. Hauptträger der gesundheitlichen Wirkungen ist das Alpha-Mangostin, das vorrangig im Fruchtfleisch konzentriert ist. Xanthone sind kraftvolle Anti-Aging-Substanzen und effektive Entzündungshemmer, das haben Wissenschaftler nachgewiesen. Diese zählen sie zu den so genannten Superantioxidantien.

Was sind Antioxidantien?

Antioxidantien sind die wichtigsten Gegenspieler zellschädigender freier Radikale. Das sind Millionen aggressiver Verbindungen, die unsere Gesundheit maßgeblich bedrohen, weil sie uns rasant altern lassen und Radikalkrankheiten wie Herz-, Kreislauf-, Krebserkrankungen, Alzheimer, Parkinson und Grauen Star verursachen können. Xanthone sind Breitband-Antioxidantien und können in allen Körperbereichen agieren.

Sie sind speziell für Synergien prädestiniert: Vor allem im Verbund mit weiteren Pflanzenwirkstoffen laufen sie zur Hochform auf und entfalten grandiose Schutzwirkungen. So ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass die Mangostanfrucht – vor allem im Mix mit sekundären Pflanzenstoffen wie z.B. Tomaten-Lycopin, Traubenkern-OPC und natürlicher Ascorbinsäure (Vitamin C) - einen großen Variantenreichtum gesundheitsunterstützender Effekte auslösen kann, von denen sämtliche Körpersysteme partizipieren.

Frische Mangostanfrüchte müssen von Hand geerntet werden und sind trotz ihrer festen, robusten Schale nicht lange haltbar. In unseren Breiten sind Mangostan-früchte mit ca. 10,-€ bis 12,-€ pro Kilo recht teuer. Schon winzige Haarrisse lassen das empfindliche innere weiße Fruchtfleisch schnell verderben.

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Die gute Nachricht

Der Markt bietet seit einiger Zeit hochwertige Natursäfte mit Mangostan an. Der aufmerksame Konsument wird die qualitativen Unterschiede schnell ausfindig  machen. Energetisch wertvoll und daher überaus empfehlenswert für die Gesundheit ist jede synergistische Kombination aus der Mangostanfrucht mit Pflanzen- und Naturstoffen, die antioxidantien- und vitalstoffreich sind und starke Bioaktivstoffe enthalten. Wichtig ist, dass Säfte freivon Zuckerzusätzen sind und dass sie keine künstlichen Konservierungs- und Farbstoffe enthalten.

Bleibt festzuhalten: Ob jung, ob alt, die Kraft der Natur kann dem Zahn der Zeit definitiv die Stirn bieten, man muss sie nur rechtzeitig für sich nutzen und konsequent dabei bleiben.


Aktuelle Studien zur MANGOSTAN
(Englisch: Mangosteen; Lateinisch: Garcinia Mangostana)

A) Aus dem Journal of the Society for Integrative Oncology

Autoren: Yeung S
Titel: Mangosteen for the cancer patient: facts and myths.
Quelle: Journal of the Society for Integrative Oncology; VOL: 4 (3); p. 130-4
PM: Print
Sprache: English
JID: 101262057
ISSN: 1715-894X
Institution: Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA.
DT: Journal Article; Review
Abstract: Mangosteen is a tropical fruit native to Southeast Asia. It is consumed both as food and medicine. Data from in vitro and animal studies revealed that it has antioxidant, antiinflammatory, and antiproliferative effects against cancer cells. Xanthones, the major components of mangosteen fruit, have been implicated in such effects. It is yet to be studied in humans. However, despite lack of clinical evidence, mangosteen products are marketed to cancer patients as dietary supplements.

Quelle: Literaturdatenbank DIMDI: MEDLINE

B)  Aus International journal of molecular sciences:

Autoren: Akao Y; Nakagawa Y; Iinuma M; Nozawa Y
Titel: Anti-cancer effects of xanthones from pericarps of mangosteen.
Quelle: International journal of molecular sciences; VOL: 9 (3); p. 355-70 /200803/
PM: Print-Electronic
EPD: 20080314
Sprache: English
JID: 101092791
ISSN: 1422-0067
Institution: Gifu International Institute of Biotechnology, 1-1 Naka-Fudogaoka, Kakamigahara, Gifu 504-0838, Japan; Tel: +81-583-71-4646.
DT: Journal Article

Mangosteen, Garcinia mangostana, is a tree found in South East Asia, and its pericarps have been used as traditional medicine. Phytochemical studies have shown that they contain a variety of secondary metabolites, such as oxygenated and prenylated xanthones. Recent studies revealed that these xanthones exhibited a variety of biological activities containing anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-cancer effects. 

alpha-Mangostin was found to have a cancer preventive effect in rat carcinogenesis bioassay and the extract from pericarps, which contains mainly alpha-mangostin and gamma-mangostin, exhibited an enhancement of NK cell activity in a mouse model. These findings could provide a relevant basis for the development of xanthones as an agent for cancer prevention and the combination therapy with anti-cancer drugs.

Quelle: Literaturdatenbank DIMDI: MEDLINE


Wissenschaftliche Studien und internationale Forschungsergebnisse

Quelle: Datenbank der  U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health (siehe

1: Food Chem Toxicol. 2008 Aug 6. [Epub ahead of print] Related Articles, Links
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Medicinal properties of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana).

Pedraza-Chaverri J, Cárdenas-Rodríguez N, Orozo-Ibarra M, Pérez-Rojas JM.

Facultad de Química, Departamento de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Ciudad Universitaria, 04510 Mexico, DF, Mexico.

Many tropical plants have interesting biological activities with potential therapeutic applications. Garcinia mangostana Linn. (GML) belongs to the family of Guttiferae and is named "the queen of fruits". It is cultivated in the tropical rainforest of some Southeast Asian nations like Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Philippines, and Thailand. People in these countries have used the pericarp (peel, rind, hull or ripe) of GML as a traditional medicine for the treatment of abdominal pain, diarrhea, dysentery, infected wound, suppuration, and chronic ulcer. Experimental studies have demonstrated that extracts of GML have antioxidant, antitumoral, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral activities. The pericarp of GML is a source of xanthones and other bioactive substances. Prenylated xanthones isolated from GML have been extensively studied; some members of these compounds possess antioxidant, antitumoral, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. Xanthones have been isolated from pericarp, whole fruit, heartwood, and leaves. The most studied xanthones are alpha-, beta-, and gamma-mangostins, garcinone E, 8-deoxygartanin, and gartanin. The aim of this review is to summarize findings of beneficial properties of GML's extracts and xanthones isolated from this plant so far.

PMID: 18725264 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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2: J Nat Prod. 2008 Jul;71(7):1161-6. Epub 2008 Jun 18.
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Xanthones from the botanical dietary supplement mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) with aromatase inhibitory activity.

Balunas MJ, Su B, Brueggemeier RW, Kinghorn AD.

Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy, Program for Collaborative Research in the Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60612, USA.

Twelve xanthone constituents of the botanical dietary supplement mangosteen (the pericarp of Garcinia mangostana) were screened using a noncellular, enzyme-based microsomal aromatase inhibition assay. Of these compounds, garcinone D (3), garcinone E (5), alpha-mangostin (8), and gamma-mangostin (9) exhibited dose-dependent inhibitory activity. In a follow-up cell-based assay using SK-BR-3 breast cancer cells that express high levels of aromatase, the most potent of these four xanthones was gamma-mangostin (9). Because xanthones may be consumed in substantial amounts from commercially available mangosteen products, the consequences of frequent intake of mangosteen botanical dietary supplements require further investigation to determine their possible role in breast cancer chemoprevention.

Publication Types:

    Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural

    Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't

PMID: 18558747 [PubMed - in process]

3: J Cosmet Sci. 2008 May-Jun;59(3):233-42.
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Electrospun poly(vinyl alcohol) fiber mats as carriers for extracts from the fruit hull of mangosteen.

Opanasopit P, Ruktanonchai U, Suwantong O, Panomsuk S, Ngawhirunpat T, Sittisombut C, Suksamran T, Supaphol P.

Faculty of Pharmacy, Silpakorn University, Thailand.

Electrospinning is a process used to produce ultrafine fibers with diameters in the nanometer range. Electrospun fiber mats have high potentials for biomedical uses, due to their high surface area and ease of drug incorporation into the fibers. They can be used as carriers for drug delivery and can enhance drug release and skin permeability. The aim of this study was to prepare electrospun fiber mats and to incorporate extracts from the fruit hull of mangosteen. Antioxidant activity and extract release were determined and compared between the extract incorporated in the electrospun fiber mats and in the cast films. Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) was selected as the polymer matrix. Extracts in the amount of 2.5%, 5%, and 10% w/w, based on the weight of PVA, were incorporated with 10% w/w PVA to finally obtain electrospun fiber mats and cast films. The extract content was evaluated by antioxidative activity using the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryhydrazyl (DPPH) method. The morphology of the electrospun fiber mats was analyzed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results showed that the diameters of the fibers were in nanoscales and that no crystal of the extract was found at any concentration of the extract. The extract contents in the electrospun fiber mats prepared at 2.5%, 5%, and 10% w/w of the extract were 9.6%, 9.7%, and 10.8% of the initial loading concentration, respectively, whereas, those in the cast films were 23.9%, 14.5%, and 21.0%, respectively. The release of the extract from the electrospun fiber mats prepared at 2.5%, 5%, and 10% w/w of the extract at 120 min were 73.2%, 83.6%, and 81.3% w/w, respectively. However, much slower release from the cast films was observed (i.e., 4.3%, 29.1%, and 40.8% w/w, respectively).

Publication Types:

PMID: 18528591 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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4: Planta Med. 2008 Jun;74(8):864-6. Epub 2008 Jun 3.
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Cytotoxicity of prenylated xanthones and other constituents from the wood of Garcinia merguensis.

Kijjoa A, Gonzalez MJ, Pinto MM, Nascimento MS, Campos N, Mondranondra IO, Silva AM, Eaton G, Herz W.

Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas de Abel Salazar, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal.

One new prenylated xanthone 5-farnesyltoxyloxanthone B ( 4), three known xanthones alpha-mangostin ( 1), rubraxanthone ( 2) and isocowanol ( 3) as well as (2 E,6 E,10 E)-4beta-hydroxy-3-methyl-5beta- (3,7,11,15-tetramethylhexadeca-2,6,10-tetraenyl) -cyclohex-2-en-1-one ( 5) and 3,3',4- O-trimethylellagic acid were isolated from the wood of GARCINIA MERGUENSIS Wight. The cytotoxic activities of compounds 1 - 5 were evaluated against the MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, NCI-H-460 and SF-268 cell lines with rubraxanthone 2 and 5 exhibiting the highest activity at 9.0 and 12.1 microM, respectively, against MCF-7 cells.

Publication Types:

PMID: 18523924 [PubMed - in process]

5: J Asian Nat Prod Res. 2008 May-Jun;10(5-6):475-9.
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Garcinia mangostana: a source of potential anti-cancer lead compounds against CEM-SS cell line.

Ee GC, Daud S, Izzaddin SA, Rahmani M.

Chemistry Department, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.

Our current interest in searching for natural anti-cancer lead compounds from plants has led us to the discovery that the stem and roots of Garcinia mangostana can be a source of such compounds. The stem furnished 2,8-dihydroxy-6-methoxy-5-(3-methylbut-2-enyl)-xanthone (1), which is a new xanthone. Meanwhile, the root bark of the plant furnished six xanthones, namely alpha-mangostin (2), beta-mangostin (3), gamma-mangostin (4), garcinone D (5), mangostanol (6), and gartanin (7). The hexane and chloroform extracts of the root bark of G. mangostana as well as the hexane extract of the stem bark were found to be active against the CEM-SS cell line. gamma-Mangostin (4) showed good activity with a very low IC(50) value of 4.7 microg/ml, while alpha-mangostin (2), mangostanol (6), and garcinone D (5) showed significant activities with IC(50) values of 5.5, 9.6, and 3.2 microg/ml, respectively. This is the first report on the cytotoxicity of the extracts of the stem and root bark of G. mangostana and of alpha-mangostin, mangostanol, and garcinone D against the CEM-SS cell line.

Publication Types:

PMID: 18464091 [PubMed - in process]

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6: Am J Kidney Dis. 2008 May;51(5):829-33. Epub 2008 Mar 25.
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Severe lactic acidosis associated with juice of the mangosteen fruit Garcinia mangostana.

Wong LP, Klemmer PJ.

Minor and James Medical, Seattle, WA; Department of Medicine, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA 98104, USA.

The tropical mangosteen fruit has long been prized in Southeast Asia for its traditional healing properties. Mangosteen fruit juice is now available in the United States and marketed for its purported health benefits. We describe a case of severe lactic acidosis associated with the use of mangosteen juice as a dietary supplement.

Publication Types:

PMID: 18436094 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

7: Exp Toxicol Pathol. 2008 Aug;60(4-5):357-64. Epub 2008 Apr 18.
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Ameliorative prospective of alpha-mangostin, a xanthone derivative from Garcinia mangostana against beta-adrenergic cathecolamine-induced myocardial toxicity and anomalous cardiac TNF-alpha and COX-2 expressions in rats.

Sampath PD, Vijayaragavan K.

Centre for Advanced Studies in Botany, University of Madras, Guindy Campus, Chennai, India.

Altered membrane integrity and inflammation play a key role in cardiovascular damage. We investigated the salubrious effect of exogenously administered alpha-mangostin against beta-adrenergic cathecolamine-induced cardiovascular toxicity with special reference to membrane ATPases, lysosomal hydrolases and inflammatory mediators TNF-alpha and Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expressions in albino rats. Induction of rats with isoproterenol (150mg/kg body wt, i.p.) for 2 days resulted in a significant increase in the activities of serum and cardiac lysosomal hydrolases (beta-d-glucuronidase, beta-d-galactosidase, beta-d-N-acetylglucosaminidase, acid phosphatase and cathepsin-D). A significant increase in cardiac levels of sodium, calcium with a decrease in the level of potassium paralleled by abnormal activities of membrane-bound phosphatases (Na(+)-K(+) ATPase, Ca(2+) ATPase and Mg(2+) ATPase) were observed in the heart of ISO-administered rats. Cardiac TNF-alpha and COX-2 expressions were assessed by Western blotting. Cardiac TNF-alpha and COX-2 expressions were significantly elevated in ISO-intoxicated rats. Pre-co-treatment with alpha-mangostin (200mg/kg body wt.) orally for 8 days significantly attenuated these abnormalities and restored the levels to near normalcy when compared to ISO intoxicated group of rats. In conclusion, alpha-mangostin preserves the myocardial membrane integrity and extenuates anomalous TNF-alpha and COX-2 expressions by mitigating ISO-induced oxidative stress and cellular damage effectively. Restoration of cellular normalcy accredits the cytoprotective role of alpha-mangostin.

PMID: 18424012 [PubMed - in process]

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8: Commun Agric Appl Biol Sci. 2007;72(3):431-41.
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Effects of alpha-mangostin from mangosteen pericarp extract and imidacloprid on Nilaparvata lugens (Stal.) and non-target organisms: toxicity and detoxification mechanism.

Bullangpoti V, Visetson S, Milne J, Milne M, Sudthongkong C, Pronbanlualap S.

Dept. of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand.

The brown planthopper, Nilaparvato lugens Stat. (BPH) is the most devastating insect pest in rice fields. Outbreaks of BPH, which are resistant to many synthetic insecticides, can cause total rice crop loss. This research was done to evaluate the efficiency of extracts of mangosteen pericarp (Garcina mangostana L.) as an alternative control of BPH Thailand strain. Topical spraying was applied to various stages of nymphal and adult BPH to determine toxicity. An ethanol extract of mangosteen pericarp extract gave the best control of BPH, with LC50 of 4.5% w/v (r2 = 0.95) with 3rd instar BPH nymphs when compared with the other solvents, hexane, acetone and dichloromethane. The active compound, alpha-mangostin showed an LC50 of 5.44%w/v (r2 = 0.88). The toxicity of this extract was less than that of Imidacloprid which showed an LC50 of 0.0042% w/v (r2 = 0.99). The toxicity to non-target organisms was determined. This extract showed toxicity to guppies ((LC50 = 2.53 and 4.27 ppm for females and males, respectively; r2 = 0.97 and 0.97, respectively), bees (LC50 = 4.38% w/v, r2 = 0.95) and mice (no oral acute toxicity and no dermal inflammation but showed eye irritation in 1 day which became normal within 3 days). In vitro detoxification enzyme activities of carboxylesterase, acetylcholinesterase and glutathione-s-transferase from BPH after 24 hours exposure were also observed. Carboxylesterase showed stronger activity than other enzymes. Toxicity in terms of LC50 values of both the extract and imidacloprid treatments increased in each generation. The LC50 values for each generation were 4.22-6.67 after sequential spraying. After the ethanol extract was kept at 4 degrees C, room temperature and 55 degrees C for 3 months, the quantity of alpha-mangostin and the BPH control efficiency was lower at 55 degrees C than those for other temperatures. The results from this research indicate that mangosteen pericarp extract can be an alternative insecticide for the control of BPH, which may possess high efficiency, cause with fewer environmental problems and result in less resistance in the BPH.

PMID: 18399471 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

9: Bioorg Med Chem. 2008 Apr 15;16(8):4500-8. Epub 2008 Feb 21.
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Inhibitory effect of xanthones isolated from the pericarp of Garcinia mangostana L. on rat basophilic leukemia RBL-2H3 cell degranulation.

Itoh T, Ohguchi K, Iinuma M, Nozawa Y, Akao Y.

Gifu International Institute of Biotechnology, Bio-active Substances Research, 1-1 Naka-Fudogaoka, Kakamigahara, Gifu 504-0838, Japan.

Mangostin, Garcinia mangostana L. is used as a traditional medicine in southeast Asia for inflammatory and septic ailments. Hitherto we indicated the anticancer activity induced by xanthones such as alpha-, beta-, and gamma-mangostin which were major constituents of the pericarp of mangosteen fruits. In this study, we examined the effect of xanthones on cell degranulation in rat basophilic leukemia RBL-2H3 cells. Antigen (Ag)-mediated stimulation of high affinity IgE receptor (FcepsilonRI) activates intracellular signal transductions resulting in the release of biologically active mediators such as histamine. The release of histamine and other inflammatory mediators from mast cell or basophils is the primary event in several allergic responses. These xanthones suppressed the release of histamine from IgE-sensitized RBL-2H3 cells. In order to reveal the inhibitory mechanism of degranulation by xanthones, we examined the activation of intracellular signaling molecules such as Lyn, Syk, and PLCgammas. All the xanthones tested significantly suppressed the signaling involving Syk and PLCgammas. In Ag-mediated activation of FcepsilonRI on mast cells, three major subfamilies of mitogen-activated protein kinases were activated. The xanthones decreased the level of phospho-ERKs. Furthermore, the levels of phospho-ERKs were observed to be regulated by Syk/LAT/Ras/ERK pathway rather than PKC/Raf/ERK pathway, suggesting that the inhibitory mechanism of xanthones was mainly due to suppression of the Syk/PLCgammas/PKC pathway. Although intracellular free Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) was elevated by FcepsilonRI activation, it was found that alpha- or gamma-mangostin treatment was reduced the [Ca(2+)](i) elevation by suppressed Ca(2+) influx.

PMID: 18328716 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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10: J Agric Food Chem. 2008 Feb 13;56(3):627-9. Epub 2008 Jan 23.
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Berry fruits: compositional elements, biochemical activities, and the impact of their intake on human health, performance, and disease.

Seeram NP.

Center for Human Nutrition, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, California 90095, USA.

An overwhelming body of research has now firmly established that the dietary intake of berry fruits has a positive and profound impact on human health, performance, and disease. Berry fruits, which are commercially cultivated and commonly consumed in fresh and processed forms in North America, include blackberry ( Rubus spp.), black raspberry ( Rubus occidentalis), blueberry ( Vaccinium corymbosum), cranberry (i.e., the American cranberry, Vaccinium macrocarpon, distinct from the European cranberry, V. oxycoccus), red raspberry ( Rubus idaeus) and strawberry ( Fragaria x ananassa). Other berry fruits, which are lesser known but consumed in the traditional diets of North American tribal communities, include chokecherry ( Prunus virginiana), highbush cranberry ( Viburnum trilobum), serviceberry ( Amelanchier alnifolia), and silver buffaloberry ( Shepherdia argentea). In addition, berry fruits such as arctic bramble ( Rubus articus), bilberries ( Vaccinuim myrtillus; also known as bog whortleberries), black currant ( Ribes nigrum), boysenberries ( Rubus spp.), cloudberries ( Rubus chamaemorus), crowberries ( Empetrum nigrum, E. hermaphroditum), elderberries ( Sambucus spp.), gooseberry ( Ribes uva-crispa), lingonberries ( Vaccinium vitis-idaea), loganberry ( Rubus loganobaccus), marionberries ( Rubus spp.), Rowan berries ( Sorbus spp.), and sea buckthorn ( Hippophae rhamnoides), are also popularly consumed in other parts of the world. Recently, there has also been a surge in the consumption of exotic "berry-type" fruits such as the pomegranate ( Punica granatum), goji berries ( Lycium barbarum; also known as wolfberry), mangosteen ( Garcinia mangostana), the Brazilian açaí berry ( Euterpe oleraceae), and the Chilean maqui berry ( Aristotelia chilensis). Given the wide consumption of berry fruits and their potential impact on human health and disease, conferences and symposia that target the latest scientific research (and, of equal importance, the dissemination of this information to the general public), on the chemistry and biological and physiological functions of these "superfoods" are necessary.

Publication Types:

PMID: 18211023 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

11: J Toxicol Sci. 2007 Dec;32(5):571-4.
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Inhibitory effects of xanthone on paraquat- and NaNO(2)-induced genotoxicity in cultured cells.

Tanaka R.

The inhibitory effects of xanthone on genotoxicity induced by paraquat and NaNO(2) in cultured Chinese hamster lung (CHL) cells were examined. Xanthone forms the central core of xanthones. Xanthones are present in mangosteen, which is widely used as health food because of its many pharmacological properties. Paraquat (PQ, a superoxide anion generator) and NaNO(2) induce genotoxic effects, including sister chromatid exchange (SCE) and decreased cell cycle rate, in CHL cells. Xanthone inhibited the genotoxic effects of PQ and NaNO(2) at concentrations of more than 5 microM. The present results suggested the potent antigenotoxic effects of xanthones in mangosteens.

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PMID: 18198487 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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12: J Drugs Dermatol. 2007 Nov;6(11):1141-8.
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Evaluating the efficacy in improving facial photodamage with a mixture of topical antioxidants.

Hsu J, Skover G, Goldman MP.

University of California, San Diego, USA.

This study evaluates the efficacy and tolerability of an investigational study cream composed of 3 ingredients (green and white teas, mangosteen, and pomegranate extract), Vitaphenol Skin Cream (La Jolla Spa MD, La Jolla CA), as compared to a placebo cream in rejuvenating facial skin. Twenty healthy females between the ages of 35 and 65 with demonstrable facial wrinkling, achieving a Rao-Goldman wrinkle scale score of 2 or above, applied either Vitaphenol Skin Cream or placebo cream to a randomized half of their face twice daily for 60 days and returned for follow-up after 2 weeks. Twice as many subjects indicated an enhancement of skin texture (eg, reduction in pore size, roughness, and touch) with the usage of Vitaphenol versus placebo. In all, 41% of the study subjects preferred the half of their face that had been receiving Vitaphenol, while only 0.06% of the subjects favored the placebo side. PRIMOS images from periorbital skin treated with Vitaphenol demonstrated an average improvement in skin smoothness of 1 mm3, whereas skin treated with placebo showed an average decrease in smoothness or an increase in skin roughness of 0.9 mm3. The addition of 3 antioxidants, green and white teas, mangosteen, and pomegranate, have an additive effect to enhance the improvement of age-related changes in the skin.

Publication Types:

PMID: 18038502 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

13: Food Chem Toxicol. 2008 Feb;46(2):688-93. Epub 2007 Sep 26.
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Anti-inflammatory activity of mangostins from Garcinia mangostana.

Chen LG, Yang LL, Wang CC.

Graduate Institute of Biomedical and Biopharmaceutical Sciences, College of Life Sciences, National Chiayi University, 300 University Road, Chiayi 600, Taiwan, ROC.

The fruit hull of Garcinia mangostana Linn (Guttiferae) is used as an anti-inflammatory drug in Southeast Asia. Two xanthones, alpha- and gamma-mangostins, were isolated from the fruit hull of G. mangostana, and both significantly inhibited nitric oxide (NO) and PGE(2) production from lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells. The IC(50) values for the inhibition of NO production by alpha- and gamma-mangostins were 12.4 and 10.1 microM, respectively. After iNOS enzyme activity was stimulated by LPS for 12 h, treatment with either alpha- or gamma-mangostin at 5 microg/ml (12.2 and 12.6 microM, respectively) for 24 h did not significantly inhibit NO production. The data show that the inhibitory activities of alpha- and gamma-mangostins are not due to direct inhibition of iNOS enzyme activity. On the other hand, expression of iNOS was inhibited by alpha- and gamma-mangostins in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells, but not by COX-2. However, the level of PGE(2) production was reduced by the two xanthones. In an in vivo study, alpha-mangostin significantly inhibited mice carrageenan-induced paw edema. In conclusion, alpha- and gamma-mangostins from G. mangostana are bioactive substances with anti-inflammatory effects.

PMID: 18029076 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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14: J Biochem Mol Toxicol. 2007;21(6):336-9.
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Cardioprotective effect of alpha-mangostin, a xanthone derivative from mangosteen on tissue defense system against isoproterenol-induced myocardial infarction in rats.

Devi Sampath P, Vijayaraghavan K.

Centre for Advanced Studies in Botany, University of Madras, Guindy Campus, Chennai, India.

Increased oxidative stress and antioxidant deficit have been suggested to play a major role in isoproterenol-induced myocardial infarction. The present study was designed to evaluate the effect of alpha-mangostin on the antioxidant defense system and lipid peroxidation against isoproterenol-induced myocardial infarction in rats. Induction of rats with ISO (150 mg/kg body weight, ip) for 2 days resulted in a marked elevation in lipid peroxidation, serum marker enzymes (LDH, CPK, GOT, and GPT) and a significant decrease in the activities of endogenous antioxidants (SOD, CAT, GPx, GST, and GSH). Pre-treatment with alpha-mangostin (200 mg/kg of body weight per day) orally for 6 days prior to the ISO administration and 2 days along with ISO administration significantly attenuated these changes when compared to the individual treatment groups. These findings indicate the protective effect of alpha-mangostin on lipid peroxidation and antioxidant tissue defense system during ISO-induced myocardial infarction in rats.

PMID: 17994576 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

15: Phytochemistry. 2008 Feb;69(3):754-8. Epub 2007 Nov 7.
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Xanthones with quinone reductase-inducing activity from the fruits of Garcinia mangostana (Mangosteen).

Chin YW, Jung HA, Chai H, Keller WJ, Kinghorn AD.

Division of Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy, College of Pharmacy, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA.

Bioactivity-guided fractionation of a dichloromethane-soluble extract of Garcinia mangostana fruits has led to the isolation and identification of five compounds, including two xanthones, 1,2-dihydro-1,8,10-trihydroxy-2-(2-hydroxypropan-2-yl) -9-(3-methylbut-2-enyl)furo[3,2-a]xanthen-11-one (1) and 6-deoxy-7-demethylmangostanin (2), along with three known compounds, 1,3,7-trihydroxy-2,8-di-(3-methylbut-2-enyl)xanthone (3), mangostanin (4), and alpha-mangostin (5). The structures of compounds 1 and 2 were determined from analysis of their spectroscopic data. All isolated compounds in the present study together with eleven other compounds previously isolated from the pericarp of mangosteen, were tested in an in vitro quinone reductase-induction assay using murine hepatoma cells (Hepa 1c1c7) and an in vitro hydroxyl radical antioxidant assay. Of these, compounds 1-4 induced quinone reductase (concentration to double enzyme induction, 0.68-2.2microg/mL) in Hepa 1c1c7 cells and gamma-mangostin (6) exhibited hydroxyl radical-scavenging activity (IC50, 0.20microg/mL).

Publication Types:

PMID: 17991497 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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Weiter zu Studie: 1-15 | 16-35 | 36-55 | 56-75 | 76-90